Wednesday, June 27, 2012


My Lovely Family!
I told you about the old man Salvatore, well he is so cute and still meeting with us! He bought us a four course sea food lunch the other day (the shrimp were not like the ones at Sizzler, they had their heads on still...yummy...):) He loves us so much, we keep telling him that it is not us, it is the spirit he feels around us. He told us that he has never had so much hope before he met us. He is reading the book of Mormon and he loves it! He said that every time he opens it he learns something new and feels an added support in his life. When ever he has lessons with us he is always having us scribble down the page number and the verses that we read so he can go home and re read them. When he reads that wonderful book out loud he reads it slowly and with care, explaining to us what he is understanding. It is lovely! I have never seen an investigator have such a relationship and care for the Book of Mormon before. It really makes me appriciate it more. We are so blessed to have the knowledge that the Book of Mormon is holy scripture and that it is a another witness that we have a savior and a lovely father in heaven.
This week was difficult because we heard some bad news about our investigator Pasquale, the one that the Anziani were coming up to Mistretta to help us with. His companion Beatrice, who is a member, confided in us that she might be leaving him because he does not do anything, he has been spending the little money they get weekly from the Comune on alcohol and cigerettes and that he really has no intention of stopping. I love Pasquale so much and it breaks my heart that he is losing that fire to change and become a creature of light that he had just a month ago. Temptations can pull one down so fast and negative thoughts of remaining weak because it is in one's nature will make it much harder for one to realize that we are here to change, to change to become like God and over coming temptation and replacing negative thoughts and actions with positives will lift you to a higher plain. It is so possible! I think of the phrase, it is my one vice, as an excuse. Well, if it is a vice that means it is a weakness and you can make it a strength with the help of the Atonement! I know Pasquale has so much potential, more than he thinks, I pray that he will realize that potential and climb to that higher plain.
We started the publicitiy for English course in Capo D'Orlando! It was so exciting to hand out flyers, people are a lot more receptive to a free English course than to the gospel, hopefully that will change when they come to our Gospel inspired service:)
 Giuseppe is doing well, he is thrilled to have us doing English course at his office. He always talks about how he wants to help build up the church community in Capo D'Orlanldo because he knows it is true and it is such a great cause. We started a Gospel Principles class with him and Nino Purpari, a member. It went well, Giuseppe has a lot of questions, but thinks about 50 million miles per hour so that he doesn't really listen to the answers. Nino was so sweet, at the end of the lesson he put his hand on Giuseppe's chest, over his heart, and said calm down, you need to start listening to your heart (that is the spirit through his feelings). 
I have been doing the question challenge that Sorella Kelly gave to us. She asked us to ask a question each day and take it to the scriptures. Before we commence the study we are to kneel down thank Heavenly father for the scriptures and invite the Holy Ghost to study with us. I am amazed everyday at the fountain of knowledge that can be obtained through the scriptures! I even got help in how I can wake up on time from them:) they truly are amazing!
I am so excited for the church to come to Mistretta, it will be a completely different dynamic when it is here. All of these people who know who we are can finally have the chance to be more involved and see exactly why we do what we do. We have had many people tell us they will come to church just to see what we do. 
I love sicilians! We were sitting on the curb near an apartment building making phone calls yesterday morning and a sweet old man from the apartment building brought us a mini basket of plums with two napkins to enjoy. Cute!
I love you all so much! I miss you lots! 
Have a good week! 
Sorella Comollo

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Ciao Tutti!
I am so tired of people making excuses. I feel like excuses hinder people from reaching their potential. While doing finding this week we ran into lots of excuses that people love to make so they do not have to talk to us or keep their commitments, like I am cooking, that is popular one here in Sicily or I am too old, that is a popular here in Mistretta (there is a large elderly population here:)). True, they do not realize the importance of the gospel in the life, yet, but I know it and I feel sad when they make excuses. I am learning that I am full of excuses as well (maybe about not waking up on time or eating too much gelato). I just do not want to do it anymore, there are too many lovely blessing to be received and so many wonderful people to help that excuses will impede me from obtaining and helping.
We found a wonderful woman on Thursday doing House. We lent her a Book of Mormon and made a return appointment. When we returned the precious book was placed on the porch and no one answered the citofono. My heart sank, I had been praying and studying for this lesson, I even chose out a specific outfit to wear (because she thought we looked frumpy when we first met her and she asked us if everyone in our religion had to dress like that). Needless to say I looked less frumpy on the return appointment.;) We ended up finding a note that said sorry that she couldn't make the appointment. At least that. We wrote her a note and placed in the Book of Mormon and left it in the same spot on her porch, we'll be back!
We got stopped by the Carabinieri in Pettineo. They asked for our documents, just to keep the tranquility in their small town. Later we found out, in that tiny village a couple weeks about a child got kidnapped. It is so sad. I just do not understand how some people use their agency in such horrid ways.
The Anziani came to Mistretta to help out with Pasquale! He commited mega to quit smoking. I know that he can do it, especially with the Lord routing for him. 
I love the gospel so much. I am amazed that my testimony of it has grown so much, especially because everyday I run into somebody who negates it. These oppositions have only reinforced it. I know that this is Jesus Christ's Church and I am so happy I have this sacred priviledge to share it.  
I love you all so much!
Happy birthday to the Lina Baby girl and to Grandma!
Love you!
Sorella Comollo

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I love you all!

Ciao Tutti!!!!!
Vi voglio un sacco bene, sapete!?
Questa settemana e' stata bellissima! Scrivo in inglese pero, perche' e' piu' veloce;)
So guess who I saw at Zone conference yesterday!? The Caruso family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are from Torino and when they saw my name, Comollo, they both happily exclaimed, "Ma sei la figlia di Adriano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The husband (I do not know his name) wanted to hug and kiss me, but he is not allowed to since I am a sister missionary, so his wife did for him! They say hello, tanti salutoni, and say they love Adriano and Jerrilynn and how you two were the kindest people and always willing to help. Also, they give you lots of kisses:) 
My testimony of getting others' numbers has grown! About three weeks ago we were doing finding, strada, in Sant'Agata, and we made a goal to get one number. Well, we got it! After much tribulation. It was this old man, about 70 years old, he said that he likes to learn about other religions. Usually the older folk here just turn us down saying they are too old to learn, or that they will by dying soon so it daint matter or they say no and then load us down with fruit, like cheeries, oranges, nespole, kiwi, watermelon, and the list goes on (needless to say, we eat lots of good fruit!). Finally this week we found time to give him a call. We set up a place to meet. It was near a gas station. We waited for him for a while and thought that he maybe was not coming, turns out he was on the other side of the street, oops. We ran around the block trying to find where he was, because he called us saying, dove siete!? He is so wonderful! His name is Salvatore. He lost his wife to breast cancer 7 years ago and misses her so much. He showed us a picture of her when she was 21 and on the back of that yellowed aged photo was a cute note that said, "Ti amo per sempre". I almost started crying when I read it and heard the story behind that beautiful young women. I felt so happy and priviledged to be the one (along with Sorella Sobeck of course) to tell him that those sweet words are true and that he will get to, with out a doubt in my mind and heart, see his wonderful Pina again. This experience has made me realize how important everyone is to God, even the old man who lives off in the country and only comes to the city to shop every once in a while (it was a miracle we found him even, since he hardly every comes to Sant'Agata). I love how in 3 Nephi 11, Christ allowes all to come to him, one by one. He loves the individual. That is what missionary work is, it is us as a society(for the church) going out and preaching the gospel one by one, to the individuals who are ready to receive it.
I have been struggling lately with my confidence in the Italian language. It is frustrating because I understand almost everything, but I feel like I am not improving in speaking. I am going to start focusing my language study more and start praying more specifically for help, instead of just a general gift of tongues. It is more that I stumble not speaking about gospel things, becuase I am not used to it, like talking about the wierdo sounds the car makes. We went to get it checked the other day and the conversation we had consisted of, La macchina fa cosi', and then making an ugly gurggling sound. So intelligent;)
Giuseppe came to stake conference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We crammed like sardines in the back of Antonio's little car, sweating because Antonio doesn't use the AC, but we got him there! It was in Palermo and we were going to go with him and his daughter in his car. That morning he told us his daughter was sick and that his tire was flat and if we could car pool. We are not allowed to take people in our car so we called Antonio, his car was already full, oh the stress. Well, he called us back a few minutes later and said the people that were going to go with him bailed (sad for them they did not get to go, but great for us), so we could go with Giuseppe! It was so great, it was for all of Europe and was a broadcast from SLC. President Erying spoke on the Family and then Anziano Nelson spoke on the missionary lessons, like the restoration, plan of salvation, gospel of Christ and commandments. It was perfect for Giuseppe. He was so funny, he slyly picked up some Ensigns off of the table, oh Giuseppe!
Zone conference was so great! We learned about not getting offended, because it is so easy to get offended. Pres. Kelly told us something that I have never really thought about before. He said why would you give the person who is being rude to you that much power over you, to make you sad or to make you not keep your covenants. Do not give them that, you have to choose to act to overcome what ever they did to you or said to you. They are not worth you losing your faith and all that you have worked for.  I know that it is hard, but I pray that we can all overcome those who offend us, we can do it as we go to the Lord in prayer and read the scriptures for strength. I have an example. We were doing so house the other week and a lady came out telling us to go away because we just want to brain wash people... That hurt me so bad. I could have just reacted and gotten sad that people just view me as that, but my companion and I both decided to pray, to help us overcome that offense. It is so amazing, we both felt a comfermation that we were meant to be here, on a mission, for the Lord.
We hiked mount Etna today, not the whole thing, just pieces. It was so pretty and rocky, lava rocky. I slid down a hill, it was so fun, but all the rocks grated my bottom and my pants ripped...Embarassaing? Just a tad!
I love you all so much! I am glad that all went well at the reunion! 
Have a good week!
Love you tons!
Con tanto amore,
Sorella Comollo
PS Pappi! Antonio ha ricevuto la tua lettera. Ti dice grazie mille e tanti saluti.
PS Sam, I think I had a different Chemistry Teacher. Are you going to SLCC next summer also, because I think I want to too, that would be fun if you went together!? 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Ciao Cari!
This week has just been filled to the brim with miracles! Giuseppe came to the baptism! Everything worked out swimmingly. He found a train that was leaving at 7pm instead of 8pm from Palermo (he had to drive to the next stop so he could take the train with us, how great it he!) so that we could all take the train together. The baptism was simple and small, I was a little sad there were not more people since Giuseppe always goes to our tiny branch, however it was a Thursday afternoon, so I should be grateful that at least some people came. They also did it a little differently. They had the man who was baptized also confirmned that same day. So Giuseppe got to see both aspects of the baptism. I was so stressed out the whole day, wanting everything to be perfect, after I saw this man get baptized I was so happy for him and so filled with the spirit my stress was swept away! The church is true! 
On the way back from Palermo another miracle happened, in disguise. The train was cancelled and another one did not show up until an hour and twenty minutes later (we did not get home until like 10:30...)! Well, Giuseppe went around talking to people asking about what was wrong with the trains and he ended up talking to this lady for like two hours. Later he told us that he is already witnessing the blessings of sacrificing his entire day at work to go to this baptism, because that women is starting a company in Cefalu' and needs insurance and Giuseppe is in the insurance business. He told us that that business opportunity discussed while waiting for the lost train was one hundred times better than anything that he could have done at work that day. Amazing!
Sorella Sobeck and I have been having a hard time in Mistretta lately. I think it is because school is out and there are a lot more young people on the streets, making fun of us (an example of this taunting is that we found a plastic bag that had been blown up and tied placed under our tire, oh these kids...;)). We are learning what Paul meant when he said to the Romans about overcoming persecutions and how it is worth it because we are preaching the gospel, which there is nothing better in the world! (Romans 8:35-39). I have never really been affected (effected? boh, I am not good with italian or english grammaticals!) by the taunting of others, but lately it has been amplified. We are working on goals to help us to work harder in Mistretta so that we will not get discouraged. We are excited for the Church to come here because it will give us an avenue to talk to the young people about coming to English course!
I read in Alma chapter 8 the other day about Alma's super difficult time with the people of Lamenaiah(I do not remember how to spell it:)). It reminded me so much of how it is in Mistretta. In the end when he was going to give up he prayed and an angel came to tell him to turn back, try again and work hard. After he did he found Amulek. I just have to turn to God and work hard and I know that there is a reason I am here.
President Portera's mother died yesterday morning. She was really sick. We went to her funeral in the Chiesa Santa Catterina. Catholic funerals are pretty much like their Mass, it was an interesting experience. We went to her viewing last night. I have been around dead bodies before, working in the anatomy lab, but I have never been around a body that had just been living not ten hours before. Life is so fragile, yet it thrives. I love the gospel so much and the knowledge we have of the plan of salvation. It brings so much hope and so much joy. I know, with all my heart, Presidente Portera will see his mamma again and will get to hug her:)
So, on Monday we had district meeting. I am so happy that our district is staying together! Well, I pulled out my new planner, for transfer number 4 and the anziani started making fun of it! I have a paper cut out of a tree with yellow fruit and a pink stripe. It was supposed to be the tree of life with the fruit and the iron rod. They said the fruit looked like lemons and they called me a missionary geek. Anyway, it was funny. It doesn't sound funny now though... Anyway, we were going to see Beatrice and Pasquale on Monday night. We knocked on their door and while waiting on the porch guess what happened to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? A bird, no doubt a pigeon, pooped on my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAH! Then Beatirce comes out and gives us a bidone (meaning she cancelled our lesson)! Oh Monday nights in Mistretta! 
Yesterday when we went to Pettineo (another little mountain village near Mistretta) to look for an ex-investigator. Her number was spento(disconnected) and her address, the one that was in the Area Book, did not exist. After finding this out we decided to pray. Afterward we went on a hunt. We asked a man if he new her and he said he thought she lived up the hill. We went up the hill. We met a lady and asked her, she said she thought she lived by the fountain down the hill. We went down the hill towards the fountain. We met an old couple by the fountain, they knew exactly where she lived! The old man had two canes, he propped one against the wall and winked at us and said, "il bastone per domani (the stick for tomorrow)" then he hobbled down the hill and turned into a tiny ally way and then pounded on a door with his "cane for today" and said, "ooooooh Rita!". He was super cute! We found her and got her new number and her real address and she wants to meet with us again! I love the Lord! We were led on a wild goose chase and in the end we were led right to the person who knew exactly who she was and where she lived. to a crazy old man who collects sticks!
I love you all so so much! I hope that the reunion is fun and that Rosie has a happy birthday! 
Have a good week!
Love you tons!
Sorella Comollo