Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ciao tutti!
This week has been pretty good. We were waiting at the station for Mike, our african investigator who has the Twi Book of Mormon and before he got off the bus a member just pops us and says that he has time to teach the lesson with us:) Mike is so sweet and really wants to change his life. He keeps telling us that he knows the Book of Mormon is of God because when he reads it he understands that he needs to make changes in his life to be better.
Giovanni called us and he came to church. He told us that he is feeling really bad lately and he knows that he is not good at keeping committments. We explained how once one makes the choice to get baptized they will face much adversity, for it is the best thing for their lives and Satan does not want that. We have been praying a lot about how we can help Giovanni make and keep this committment of baptism and we both feel that we should set another date with him, but this time not give it so much in advance. Plan the baptism even the next day if we need to. I think that people think that in order to be baptized one must be perfect, they must understand it is part of the process of becoming like Christ, not the event to make us exactly like him.
This week we have been preparing for the Festa di Halloween. The members gave us the idea of having this "American Party" so they can have a reason to invite their friends of other faiths and they can get to know us. I think it is a great idea, but I have been feeling that a lot of precious proslyting time has been lost to prepare for it. I have learned that good planning and organization from the beginning is impertive as not to waste time. Thank goodness for the mission in teaching us youngsters how to plan, for it really is inspired. We can be so much more effective if planning is done before and then the spirit will want to strive with us even more because we will have order.
We had a finding miracle! So usually we take the car to church because it is so far away. Well, he invited a ton of people(pretty much a tribe of africans) to church and told them all that we would need to meet them at the bus station to show them how to get there and what bus to take. So we parked the car at the church early, walked the 30 minutes to the bus station, just to take the bus back to the church:) On the way to the bus station we met a man named Gabriele. He was super nice and told us that one day he would like to come to our church. When we arrived at the bus station not a one investigator or contact that we invited and said they would come was there! BAH! We called them all and they made some excuses of why they couldn't come, lame sauce excuses (just a reminder to all of you"sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven"). I was a little sad that we walked all that way just to meet no one. Well, we got on the bus to go back to the church and guess who was on the bus, Gabriele! We got to talk to him some more and now we have his phone number and an appointment tomorrow to meet with him! We needed to take that little jaunt to the station so we could meet Gabriele. Sometimes it seems like nothing is working out as we planned and we get discouraged, but it is just another plan taking form. We have to sempre look for the little miracles each day, even in the disasters.
I love you all!
Sorella Comollo

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ciao tutti!!!
Wow, this week has been one of the busiest of my mission, I have never felt so exhausted and fullfilled. We made a goal to have at least 21 lessons this week, because we heard that was a standard of excellence, so we wanted to try it out. I was a little apprehensive to make such a lofty goal when we also had planned to go to the Questura for Sorella Preston's permesso and we were planning on moving to the Anziani's old aparment and help them move to a new one. However, my greenie is so faithful and enthusiastic, we decided to do it! And we did!!!! We made tons of phone calls, to set up appointments, most of the investigators that we see couldn't see us this week though. So through out the week we took every opportunity to talk to everyone and to visit old potential investigators.
Some of the people we met this week became new investigators. One we met on the bus, Guangxing. He is from mainland China. I gave him a pass along card and sat behind him. I then observed how he was looking at the card, how when he read it, he pointed to the name Gesu' and let his finger linger on the name. I then started to ask him what he knew about Gesu'. He did not speak very much Italian, so in his broken Italian he said that he wants to know Jesus because he has never heard of him before, but when he sees his name he feels happier. Incredible! I got to explai for the first time who Jesus is to someone who had never heard of him before. It was wonderful to explain Christ's role in our lives in very simple terms, for it made me realize how much sense it makes to have a saviour. Guangxing now has the Book of Mormon in his own language and prays everyday. He told us later that whenever he prays he feels happy and calm afterward. It was cute, when we were teaching him how to pray we told him he could pray in Chinese and he asked, does God speak Chinese? Yes, he does indeed.
I also had the most wonderful experience this week with getting a prompting from the spirit and following through with it. We were walking to an apartment complex to do some pass backs. Well, on the way there we were passing lots of people, out of the people passing a saw a woman and got this strong feeling that made me think, you need to stop her, you need to talk to her. Out of all the people passing I distinctly knew that she was who I needed to talk to. So I stoped her. She told us that she has lost faith in her religion and has been searching for another one, she has gone to the buddests, Jehovah's witness, evangilist, and more, but she said that she still cannot find that piece of her that she knows is missing in her life. She said it was interesting that we stopped her, because she was hoping that we could help her. Incredible! I love the spirit, he really helps us with not just feelings, but also ideas. I am in awe at just how much God knows us individually and how he can fullfill his purposes through other people. This experience not only helped Emilia to find what she has been looking for, but it also helped me to get out of my shlump of faithlessness, for there are people that are searching and I just experienced it first hand!
I am seeing more and more that as we make goals and plan and do everything in our power to reach them, even if they seem unreachable, God does the rest, he helps us to obtain. He helps us to reach and then reaches our reaching.
Oh, we also have a baptism coming up! His name is Giovanni. I have never planned a baptism before, but I know that all will go well as we lean on the Lord and do all we can to help Giovanni make this covenant!
I got my hair cut by a creepy crazy man. I have weirdo layers and I look even more frumpy than before, but that is ok, because Franco, the creepy crazy man, promised to come to church:)
We finally moved, that was a bit of a nightmare...but now we are situated:)
 Here is the address:
Viale Luigi Einaudi 25
70125 Bari (BA)
But I think I prefer you sending stuff to the mission home, since it is safer and there is always someone there to accept the post and I never know when I will get transferred and if I will miss your mail. Just saying!
Thanks for all you do!
I love you so much!
Sorella Comollo
Just think the next time I write I will be 22! Crazy!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Asking for and receiving daily bread at God’s hand plays a vital part in learning to trust Him and in enduring life’s challenges.
Luke records that one of the Lord’s disciples asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1). Jesus then gave a pattern for prayer that has become known as the Lord’s Prayer (see Luke 11:2–4; see also Matthew 6:9–13).
Included in the Lord’s Prayer is the petition “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11; see also Luke 11:3). We all have needs each day for which we turn to our Heavenly Father. For some, it is quite literally bread—that is, the food needed to sustain life that day. It could also be spiritual and physical strength to deal with one more day of chronic illness or a painfully slow rehabilitation. In other cases it may be a less tangible need, such as something related to one’s obligations or activities that day—teaching a lesson or taking a test, for example.
Jesus teaches us, His disciples, that we should look to God each day for the bread—the help and sustenance—we require that particular day. The Lord’s invitation to seek our daily bread at our Heavenly Father’s hand speaks of a loving God, aware of even the small, daily needs of His children and eager to assist them, one by one. He is saying that we can ask in faith of that Being “that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given” (James 1:5). That is, of course, tremendously reassuring, but there is something at work here that is more significant than just help in getting by day to day. As we seek and receive divine bread daily, our faith and trust in God and His Son grow.

Looking to God Daily

After their great exodus from Egypt, the tribes of Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness before entering the promised land. This massive host of well over a million people had to be fed. Certainly that number in one location could not subsist long on hunting game, and their seminomadic lifestyle at the time was not conducive to raising crops or livestock in any sufficient quantity. Jehovah solved the challenge by miraculously providing their daily bread from heaven—manna. Through Moses, the Lord instructed the people to gather enough manna each day for that day, except on the day before the Sabbath, when they were to gather enough for two days.
Despite Moses’s specific instructions, some tried to gather more than enough for one day and store the balance:
“And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning.
“Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank” (Exodus 16:19–20).
As promised, however, when they gathered twice the normal daily quantity of manna on the sixth day, it did not spoil (see Exodus 16:24–26). Again, however, some could not believe without seeing, and they went looking to gather manna on the Sabbath, but “they found none” (see Exodus 16:27–29).
By providing daily sustenance one day at a time, Jehovah was trying to teach faith to a nation that over a period of 400 years had lost much of the faith of their fathers. He was teaching them to trust Him. In essence, the children of Israel had to walk with Him each day and trust that He would grant a sufficient amount of food for the next day on the next day and so on. In that way He could never be too far from their minds and hearts.
Once the tribes of Israel were in a position to provide for themselves, they were required to do so. Likewise, as we plead with God for our daily bread—for help in the moment that we cannot provide for ourselves—we must still be active in doing and providing that which is within our power.

Trusting in the Lord

Some time before I was called as a General Authority, I faced a personal economic challenge that persisted for several years. It ebbed and flowed in seriousness and urgency, but it never went away. At times this challenge threatened the welfare of my family, and I thought we might be facing financial ruin. I prayed for some miraculous intervention to deliver us. Although I offered that prayer many times with great sincerity and earnest desire, the answer in the end was no. Finally, I learned to pray as the Savior did: “Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). I sought the Lord’s help with each tiny step along the way to a final resolution.
There were times when I had exhausted all my resources, when I had nowhere and no one to turn to for help to meet the exigency before me. With no other recourse, more than once I fell down before my Heavenly Father, begging in tears for His help. And He did help. Sometimes it was nothing more than a sense of peace, a feeling of assurance that things would work out. I might not see how or what the path would be, but He gave me to know that, directly or indirectly, He would open a way. Circumstances might change, a new and helpful idea might come to mind, some unanticipated income or other resource might appear at just the right time. Somehow there was a resolution.
Though I suffered then, I am grateful now that there was not a quick solution to my problem. The fact that I was forced to turn to God for help almost daily over an extended period of years taught me how to truly pray and get answers to prayer and taught me in a practical way to have faith in God. I came to know my Savior and my Heavenly Father in a way and to a degree that might not have happened otherwise or that might have taken me much longer. I learned that daily bread is a precious commodity. I learned that manna today could be as real as the physical manna of biblical history. I learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I learned to walk with Him day by day.

Working through Problems

Asking God for our daily bread rather than our weekly, monthly, or yearly bread is also a way for us to focus on the smaller, more manageable bits of a problem. To deal with something big, we may need to work at it in small, daily bites. Sometimes all we can handle is one day—or even just part of one day—at a time.
In the 1950s my mother survived radical cancer surgery, which was followed by dozens of painful radiation treatments. She recalls that her mother taught her something during that time that has helped her ever since:
“I was so sick and weak, and I said to her one day, ‘Oh, Mother, I can’t stand having 16 more of those treatments.’
“She said, ‘Can you go today?’
“‘Well, honey, that’s all you have to do today.’
“It has helped me many times when I remember to take one day or one thing at a time.”
The Spirit can guide us when to look ahead and when we should deal just with this one day, with this one moment.

Reaching Our Potential

Asking for and receiving daily bread at God’s hand plays a vital part in learning to trust Him and in enduring life’s challenges. We also need a daily portion of divine bread to become what we must become. To repent, improve, and eventually reach “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13) is a step-by-step process. Incorporating new and wholesome habits into our character or overcoming bad habits or addictions often means an effort today followed by another tomorrow and then another, perhaps for many days, even months and years, until we achieve victory. But we can do it because we can appeal to God for our daily bread, for the help we need each day.
President N. Eldon Tanner (1898–1982), First Counselor in the First Presidency, said: “As we reflect on the value of resolving to do better, let us determine to discipline ourselves to carefully select the resolutions we make, to consider the purpose for making them, and finally to make commitments for keeping them and not letting any obstacle stop us. Let us remind ourselves at the beginning of each day that we can keep a resolution just for that day.”1
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently taught that consistency in simple daily practices such as family prayer, scripture study, and home evening is crucial in building successful families. “Our consistency in doing seemingly small things,” he said, “can lead to significant spiritual results.”2
President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994), speaking of repentance, gave this counsel: “We must be careful, as we seek to become more and more [Christlike], that we do not become discouraged and lose hope. Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit and very often involves growth and change that is slow, almost imperceptible.”3

Seeking the Lord’s Help in Serving

Remember that we should not be looking only inward when we seek a daily measure of divine bread. If we are to become more like the Master, He who came “not to be ministered unto, but to minister” (Mark 10:45), we will seek His help in being of service to others day by day.
President Thomas S. Monson lives this principle better than anyone I know. There is ever present in his heart a prayer that God will reveal needs and means for him to assist those around him in any given day or moment of the day. One example from his time as a bishop illustrates the fact that sometimes even a little effort may, with the workings of the Spirit, yield remarkable fruit.
“One to whom [President Monson] reached out was Harold Gallacher. His wife and children were active in the Church, but not Harold. His daughter Sharon had asked Bishop Monson if he would ‘do something’ to bring her father back into activity. As a bishop, he felt prompted one day to call on Harold. It was a hot summer’s day when he knocked on Harold’s screen door. The bishop could see Harold sitting in his chair, smoking a cigarette and reading the newspaper. ‘Who is it?’ Harold asked sullenly, without looking up.
“‘Your bishop,’ Tom replied. ‘I’ve come to get acquainted and to urge your attendance with your family at our meetings.’
“‘No, I’m too busy,’ came the disdainful response. He never looked up. Tom thanked him for listening and departed the doorstep. The family moved without Harold ever attending services.
“Years later … Brother Gallacher phoned the office of Elder Thomas S. Monson and asked to make an appointment to see him.
“… When the two met some time later, they embraced. Harold said, ‘I’ve come to apologize for not getting out of my chair and letting you in the door that summer day long years ago.’ Elder Monson asked him if he [was] active in the Church. With a wry smile, Harold replied: ‘I’m now second counselor in my ward bishopric. Your invitation to come out to church, and my negative response, so haunted me that I determined to do something about it.’”4

Making Daily Choices

Thinking of our daily bread keeps us aware of the details of our lives, of the significance of the small things that occupy our days. Experience teaches that in a marriage, for example, a steady stream of simple kindnesses, help, and attention do much more to keep love alive and nurture a relationship than an occasional grand or expensive gesture.
Likewise, in daily choices we may prevent certain insidious influences from entering our lives and becoming part of what we are. In an informal discussion that Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) and I had some years ago, we observed that one can avoid most pornography and pornographic images just by making good choices. For the most part it is simply a matter of self-discipline not to go where pornography is likely to be found—physically or electronically. We acknowledged, nevertheless, that because it is so tragically pervasive, pornography could assault a person minding his own business quite by surprise. “Yes,” observed Elder Maxwell, “but he can immediately reject it. He does not have to invite it to come in and offer it a chair to sit down.”
The same goes with other destructive influences and habits. Our attention each day to avoiding the very beginnings of such things can protect us from awakening some future day to the realization that because of inattentiveness, some evil or weakness has taken root in our soul.
In reality, there aren’t many things in a day that are totally without significance. Even the mundane and repetitious can be tiny but significant building blocks that in time establish the discipline and character and order needed to realize our plans and dreams. Therefore, as you ask in prayer for your daily bread, consider thoughtfully your needs—both what you may lack and what you must protect against. As you retire to bed, think about the successes and failures of the day and what will make the next day a little better. And thank your Heavenly Father for the manna He has placed along your path that sustained you through the day. Your reflections will increase your faith in Him as you see His hand helping you to endure some things and to change others. You will be able to rejoice in one more day, one more step toward eternal life.

Remembering the Bread of Life

Above all, remember that we have Him of whom manna was a type and symbol, the Redeemer.
“I am that bread of life.
“Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
“This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.
“I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (John 6:48–51).
I bear my witness of the living reality of the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, and of the infinite power and reach of His Atonement. Ultimately, it is His Atonement and His grace that is our daily bread. We should seek Him daily, to do His will each day, to become one with Him as He is one with the Father (see John 17:20–23). As we do so, may our Heavenly Father grant us our daily bread.

Buon Giorno!

Ciao cari!
So I got my figlia! Sorella Preston is amazing, I feel like she is training me. She talks to everyone and speaks very well in italian. We have been working on getting more appointments with members and also making sure the members know we are here to work hard. She is adjusting very well, she still is a little jet lagged and tired. Hopefully today we will get a chance for her to rest a little more. I feel bad if I haven't let her rest enough, she just wants to work, so we do.
She has a physical handicap and the story of it is pretty amazing. When she was born she had a trauma where the nerves in her arm were partially severed. The doctors didn't know what to do to help her, but that very day that she was born there was a nerve specialist visiting a near by hospital and he had done some similar surgeries. So they did the surgery and now she can use her hand and the only effect is that her arm is a little out of place. She said that it was cool because the doctors did not think that she would have any function. Then after years they thought she wouldn't be able to use her hand. After many prayers, blessings, physical therapy she has full function of her hand and can more her arm. Miracle!
Conference was incredible. I am so grateful for how boldly the apostles spoke about acting. Each of us must do our part, as individuals, if we want to help the society to be better. It also makes me want to be bolder in declaring the gospel, for it really is the way we can understand our purpose as an individual.
 It was great because after the conference ended, we went out and did strada because we had some time before we went in for the night. I know that I really felt a fire even more to let people know about the greatness of the gospel because of the inspiration I received from conference. I want to keep this fire burning for the rest of my mission and the rest of my life.
I was stunned when I heard about the mission age limit being lowered. I felt like when Pres. Monson was announcing it he was very urgent and a little somber. For me it is a call to say that there is a huge need of the gospel in the world, for the world is deteriorating (almost all of the italians I meet have lost hope and the younger generations have no faith and many have no sense of morality or values) and that this is serious and we need many more people letting the world know of God, Chirst, repentance, faith and promises.
I had a good experience this week with the book of mormon. We have been meeting with a man named Mike, he didn't really seem to have interest. We decided to see him one more time and then if it did not go well drop him for a bit. Well, we had already given him the book of mormon in English, he is from Africa, but we looked to see if we had a book of mormon in Twi. We did! When we gave it to him the whole dynamic of the lesson changed. He was thrilled, almost to tears, to see his own language. After that things went so well, he prayed for us and is so excited to pray about the truth of the book of mormon and to meet with us. It made me think about how important language and culture are. There is something wonderful about being around familiar things. I have been studying about remembering lately and the importance of it. I was thinking how when we bear our testimony we are really helping these "yes sayers" (from the pre exsistence) remember what they already know, what is familiar to them, that they are children of God and that they have a savior. I want to work on remembering Christ more throughout the day, for that is what we promised to do and if the individual does it the society will be affected. Just like the 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in the hive.
I love you all so much!
Have a good week!
Sorella Comollo
PS We still have not moved and they keep telling us next week next week... I am sorry, I do not want to give you the address today and have you right letters and then we move and I do not get them (I do not want a repeat of what happened my first transfer in Mistretta). I get the letters from Rome at least 2 or 3 times a month, so you can send them there:) I love you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Guess WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????

I am going to be a MAMMA!!!! Sorella Clark is off to Roma and I found out that I am going to train! So I do not know who my new companion will be until I see her get off the Train tomorrow. I was pulled over on the side of the road when I got the news and after I started driving again I kept stalling the car because I was shaking so much. I was so nervous, but now that I have prayed for ideas on what I should do and to help me get over these thoughts of being not good enough as a missionary to train, I feel tons better and all of that nervous energy has been channeled into an excitment and a drive to work harder and be more obbedient.
We had the most wonderful miracle happen! We decided to change up our finding approach to talk about a free book, that is the Book of Mormon. We decided that morning (because usually we talk about different things for finding) and got on the bus. Well, on the bus we found a man(he kind of looks different, his head is covered with scars from a surgery) who said he would love to read it and meet with us. His name is Pino. We met with Pino yesterday and he told us that he met missionaies with that same book two years ago and was interested in learning more, but could never find them again. He said if he ever found them again he would take it as a sign to really commit himself. Then he met us on the bus two years later. How wonderful that we choose to talk about the Book of Mormon straight away so Pino would recognize that we were from the same religion as those he met so long ago and want to meet with us again. He is so great and has already read a lot.I am so happy that the missionaries two years ago talked to him and that we talked to him again. It is so important to talk to everyone, no matter what they look like or how you think they might respond.
I am going to send pictures!
I love you all so much!
Sorella Comollo
PS Oh if you have not sent the package will you put some cds in it, like mormon tab choir, cio e' missionary music:)
PS Thanks so much for writing me everyone. I feel bad if I sounded whiney last week, I love you all so much and appriciate all you do for me!