Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Buon Pasqua!

Buona Pasqua a tutti!
Also, happy Birthday Randy!!!:)
Wow, Sorella Piccirillo is a work horse, I admire her so much. She knows why she is here and does everything possible to be obedient and on top of things. We have already seen so many miracles this week. An investigator who never wants to see us let us into her home the other day. We talked about acting on faith. She told us that she knows the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It was so incredible to hear the testimony of someone who is not a member, yet, it strengthend mine. We had a miracle doing casa in casa! A woman, Ornella, let us in!!!! She said that many years ago she talked to a friend about the mormons and was given a book, which she never read. She said it just wasn't the right time, but when she heard who we were on the citofono, she thought maybe it is time to read it! Miracle!!! It goes to show how every little thing helps, that member so many years ago helped future Ornella accept the missionaries in her home. She wants to come to church next Sunday, yay! Just think that member perhaps thought that her little testimony did not spark anything, nope, every little thing we do to leave our fingerprints of the gospel helps.
As for Antonio, he came to church, but still says he is a realist and doesn't think that getting baptized is going to help him in his "real life". Oh Antonio.
I heard a story about a guy that went to the temple and was in the same session as Anziano Erying. He said that before they left the changing room that he sighed and said, oh, back to the real world. Anziano Erying considered his comment and then replied, no, this is the real world (meaning the temple). I also heard a talk from the president of the stake here in Rome, pres. Defeo, he talked about Martha and Mary, and how we cannot be Martha or Mary, that is be on two extremes, always thinking of what needs to be done in the material sense (martha), or always just thinking about doing good, diciamo, (mary) we have to combine the two and have the savior be in every aspect of our lives. The gospel helps us to overcome the world, to see things in an eternal perspective. Yes, we must clean the house, yes we must take care of the kids and go to work and do homework, yes it is good to read the scriptures and think of faith and hear the stories of the prophets. Well, why not combine the two, why not apply what you learn about faith in the scriptures to how you are going to do your homework or what you want to accomplish at work. I think the best thing we could do this Easter is to consider what the savior has done for us, his atonement, his death, his ressureciton and make plans on how with this knowledge how we can include him more in our lives, in the everyday things, so that his sacrifice and life have meaning to us personally and are not just a bel pensiero. That way we will be more able to see his hand in our lives and how this life is just a passage, a place for us to learn and grow to prepare for our real lives in the celestial kingdom!:)
I am learning so much. I cannot believe this is my last transfer. It does not seem real, I do not want it to end and I am learning that it does not have to, because as we apply the things we learn, me on my mission, we will always have the opprotunities to share the gospel and feel the promptings of the spirit and help others discover what real life really is. 
Thanks for all you do for me! I love you all so so much and I miss you lots.
Con amore,
Sorella Comollo

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