Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Conference is coming!

Ciao tutti!!!
I am soooooo excited for conference! I have started preparing questions to which I can receive answers from the inspired speakers!!! How cool is it that we know that we have a prophet that receives revelation from God so he can help us! The chruch is true!
This week has been up and down. Sorella Piccirillo and I, at the beginning, were getting to know how each others' teaching styles and it caused a little tension. It is amazing what communication, really working on applying Chirstlike attributes and prayer can do for a relationship, for now we understand one another and our teaching is flowing and we are having the most wonderful time together. I do not remember if I told you about her. She is from San Remo, is a chef and is a convert of about 3 years and has an incredible testimony! Before she found the church she considered herself athiest. She was baptized catholic as a baby, but never really went to church or did anything with it.
 For Pasquetta, the day after Easter, we did the deep cleaning of our house. I love cleaning:) I think it is interesting how in order to deep clean you have to take time to pull everything out of place, distinfect and then put it away in an orderly manner. As I was orginzing cotton balls and first aid supplies I thought about this principle in a spiritual sense. In order for us to really clean out our lives we must go through a process, that is the repentance process. You have to accept the fact that things are not as clean as they should be (like the shelves in the bathroom, they were pretty much organized, but oh the dust underneath), then you have to take the time and effort to pull out everything out, this can be done through sincere prayer and working on making right what you did wrong. And the analogy goes on. I love repentance, it is the most liberating thing. I am so grateful for Christ and his making it possible for us to deep clean with his help!
Also on Pasquetta Sorella Piccirillo made tagliateglia alla carbonara, insalata con i gamberetti e salsiccia alla pizzaiola, oh how I do love having an italian as my companion:)
We finally saw Ignazia, our investigator with a baptismal date. We had a lesson with her and her companion and talked about marriage. He is all up for it, but she is still afraid of commitment, even after 25 years of living together. How sad that the fear of commiting to something impedisce il progresso. I have seen it so much during my mission, people give up so many incredible blessing because they fear being "tied down". It reminds me of an example of a kite, when the kite is not attached to something is just flops around on the ground in the wind, not really moving. When it is attached to something it is able to soar! We found out she will be in Sardegna with her mother for the month of April, so we have to change her baptismal date. She has been reading the scriptures and praying and is doing really well on quitting smoking and drinking coffee!
We had a miracle occur. An investigator from six years ago decided to come to church with her member friend on Sunday and she asked if she could start meeting with us!!! We had a lesson yesterday. It went so well, she said she felt so much joy when we told her about the first vision and she does not understand why, oh I know why, the spirit telling her truth!!!
Well, this concludes another week of my random ramblings:) I really hope you enjoy these and they are comprehendable:) Remember to read your scriptures and pray:) It is the little things that make the difference:)
I love you all so much!!!! I am just so happy that you are my family and I think about you often and pray for you always:)
Have a great week!
Vi voglio un mondo celeste di bene!
Con tanto amore,
Sorella Comollo

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