Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ciao Famiglia!

Well, I got sunburnt from doing hours and hours and hours of casa in casa. We do not have a lot of investigators you see and are searching for them:) My favorite excuses this week for not listening to us was that this woman did not have time because her mom was in the bathroom and needed help. Another guy said I am not dressed. I just love citofono finding.
We went to Anguillare this week to look for some less actives. Turns out that one of them has not lived at that address in 3 years and the other address has not exisisted in years. I am understanding the importance of visiting and home teaching. It is the coolest program! Just think, you get to meet a new person, get to know them, learn from them. It is not a forced friend, but an opprotunity to make a new friend, plus you can help the church better keep track of these prescious souls if they were to move or have their house get demolished. Anguillare is a small town with a lot of farms. We ate lunch on  top of a hay stack and I fell asleep there. I woke up half an hour later surrounded by cows, a creepy cat and a dog barking at us to go away. We ran for it and had to brush off all the hay and pokies stuck in our clothes in a dank bar.
We had some great miracles. Anna, our investigator found through English course, came to all three hours of church and loved it! Also, someone let us in! They thought we were the first catholic missionaries in the area, for the new pope has called his people to step it up. Nope, we are mormoni:) We did get to tell them about Joseph Smith though:)
I heard a talk by Anziano Bednar this week about not getting offended. Boy did I need to hear that. I have such tender feelings that my companion just pokes all of the time and I have been working on not getting offended and hurt or mad, but instead turning out with love for her. This gospel is true!!!! I have no idea how I would be able to handle this trial without the principles I have been learning both my whole life, and more intensely during this past year and a half. I will send you the talk!
I love you all so much! 
Have a wonderful week! This is my last week in the mission, bah! Weird!
Sorella Comollo

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