Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Looking for the Good

Okay, gotta say it, this week has just been very hard. However, instead of focusing on that I want to tell you about the interesting good things that happened:)
Our investigator Beatrice is great. She is golden, no even better Diamond. She has been reading the scriptures and praying and came to the conclusion of how she needs to change her life so she can find more joy. She told us that she stopped breaking the law of chastity with now her ex boyfriend (we hadn't even talked about that law yet), she just felt it to be right. She read a scripture with her family from the book of mormon about forgiveness when they were fighting with each other. After it was read her mom and sister made up and are friends again. That she felt was an answer to her prayer about whether or not the BOM really is from God. When we asked her to get baptized she hugged us and just jumped for joy. Incredible! She was going to get baptized on the 4th of May (I was going to be there still:)), but we had to switch it since there is a young adult conference. I thought I would be torn apart, not being able to see her get baptized (or anyone), but I did not. I am just so happy she has found the gospel and has already felt so much joy in it and I am humbled and so grateful that I got to be a witness to it.
When the opening prayer in church was said from the pulpit the microphone went all crazy so the lady giving the prayer sounded like darth vader! Oh dear that was funny.
I am so grateful for the sacrament. And the bread they use for it in Italy, it is by far the tastiest bread I have ever had:)
Beatrice said the opening prayer in Sunday School and knelt for it:) We explained later;)
I got to serve in Rome for a Day. We met a lady who prayed with us. She held our hands and prayed for the blood of Jesus to help her know if she should leave her boyfriend. We then sat on the grass in a park and talked about the plan of salvation.
I love you all so much, I hope you always look for the little good things during the day. Do not focus on the bad and stuff that is hard. You are children of God, he wants you to find joy, so find it in everything:)
Sorella Comollo

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